March 16, 2012

Losing Weight Without Pills - But You Will Need to Do Some Work!

Nothing makes me madder than all those diet commercials promising huge weight loss just by taking pills. If you read the fine print on all these ads they tell you to also eat right and exercise regularly. Now, which is it that is precisely helping you lose the weight? The diet pills or eating right and exercising. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to shape this one out. In fact, the ingredients in most of these diet pills can interfere with a allowable diet and exercise agenda by causing nutritional imbalances, adverse insulin response during exercise, and immoderate stress on the heart and vascular systems. To me the risk of all these side effects is not worth it.

Truthfully, there is nothing, in my mind, that will replace honest sweat and allowable diet to get one into decent shape. So you have to decide what is foremost in your life and if weight loss and being in great shape is where you want to be, then you are going to have to make some changes and get yourself on the right track. This does not have to involve suffering on your part, just the determination that you will succeed.

What I suggest is a fairly simple principles to follow and doesn't involve a whole lot of greatest will power, just some tasteless sense and sticking with it. One of the most foremost aspects of my principles is that you are setting goals for you to achieve. These goals are made of many microscopic small steps that move you along towards the much larger goal of being trim and physically fit. The focus is on reaching these microscopic goals and building on this you can gain momentum as you move along because your inner psyche recompense principles will feel like you are development progress. One of the nice things is that you won't be counting pounds lost but using other markers instead to gauge your progress.

Proper diet and nutrition

To start, I am going suggest that you quit eating fast food entirely. Instead, all of your meals should be made at home from basic ingredients. In other words you make spaghetti from pasta and a jar of sauce and not from a microwave meal. Pretty much anything you want to eat is fair game, so long as the ingredients are honest ones and the meals are not prepackaged or pre-prepared "weight loss" meals or anything like that.

Why do I say this? Well, I have this principles that home cooked meals not only have more food in them but are also are more satisfying to the palate. Because of this I believe that if you are more precisely satisfied by eating healthy calories, you are going to naturally eat less. Eating less satisfying meals will only follow in you eating more because your body feels that it needs more quantity to get the full level of food that it needs and craves.

If you really, really, must eat out, try to eat at places that make sense with their menu. A combine of examples are Subway with their low fat sandwich option (avoid the potato chips in the value meal combo) and Taco Bell with their Border Bowls. If none of these are available then go for the chicken salad meals available at McDonalds or Wendy's. Still keep in mind that these are all processed foods and will not supply the same satiety that a home made meal does, so keep these types of eating excursions to an absolute minimum.

Working out to burn fat

Now, onto the exercise regimen. I am going to be describing a allowable arrival towards exercising that will maximize fat burning over carb burning which will accelerate weight loss more than any other method. This is key because not all exercise is created equal so pay attention!

My recommended exercise routing involves cycling and lots of it. Before you say you don't like cycling, consider the benefits. Cycling is carefully one of the bottom impact workouts you can do. No pounding on your ankles and knees to wear you out and you can get a precisely great aerobic workout at the same time. It is also rewarding in that you can measure enlarge in miles instead of time spent. Using at home equipment exclusively can get pretty boring because the scenery is not changing and you are constantly counting reps or staring at the clock waiting for it to be over. Cycling avoids these negatives and you will find that time does pass swiftly and your ride is over before you know it!

Getting properly equipped

First off you will want to get a decently comfortable road bike because you are going to be spending a lot of time on it. You don't need to get the lightest racing version to get good results, however. I suggest any road bike made by Giant, Trek, or Cannondale in the 0 - 0 range. Sure, these bikes will be heavier than their more high-priced siblings but there is nothing to be gained by going to a more high-priced bike if your sole goal is to lose weight and get into shape. Later on, if you have the desire to get involved in crit races and time trials, then plan on spending some thousands of dollars per year to support this habit.

The next piece of equipment you will need will be a heart rate monitor. This is very foremost because you will be using this to regulate your effort during riding. Failure to control your exercise based on heart rate will likely cause premature fatigue and burnout. You will also want to get some reasonably beloved cycling clothing, not the least of which you will want to get padded bottom cycling shorts.

One very foremost advice is to resist getting a gel padded seat or other similarly heavy padded seat. Believe it or not, when you are on one of these for much past 30 minutes of riding, they can become seriously uncomfortable and can suffer from groin deadness to chafing to greatest abrasions. Those seats that look hard as rock are precisely much more comfortable over longer rides and you will be much happier using one of those. You should also get one that has the hole down the middle portion. These are often referred to as anatomically designed seats and they work by putting the seat pressure on whether side of your central groin region which is far better than having pressure in the middle.

It will take a microscopic getting used to riding on one of these harder racing style saddles but you might as well go through the break-in period sooner than later. Your butt will be much the happier for it in the long run, trust me!

The final thing to get is a decent pair of cycling shoes and clipless style pedals for your bike. Be sure to try on a variety of shoes before committing to buying any one pair. They should fit snugly and evenly without your foot slipping around inside them as you walk but also should not be too tight. I suggest shoes that not only have velcro straps to adjust their fit but also have the ratcheting sleeve for the top adjustment. These will allow you to properly adjust their fit and you can even make these adjustments while riding. Shoes that lace up cannot be adjusted unless you stop riding and get off your bike.

Now comes the option between artificial vs leather uppers for your shoes. I suggest leather because they have the capacity to stretch to fit your feet over time. artificial uppers cannot do this and you have to be just plain lucky that the cut of the shoe just happens to fit your foot.

Okay, now that you are properly outfitted with your cycling gear, how do you get started. Well, to start off you should set a simple goal of 5 - 8 miles on roads you are familiar with. Try to avoid routes that involve frequent stops or where you have to dodge traffic. You should unblemished these rides using your heart rate monitor and keeping your heart rate in the 120 - 140 range. Try not to exceed this range because you will be going into a zone where your body bill begin to burn more carbs in proportion to fat which is not what you want to do. keeping it in this lower zone will maximize the percentage of fat burning and keep the carb burning down to a minimum. The qoute with immoderate carb burning is that that will only serve to stimulate your appetite which is not good if you want lose weight.

Losing Weight Without Pills - But You Will Need to Do Some Work!

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